
Friday, June 14, 2019

I'm a Brand Representative...

I'm always a little wary about this stuff (people saying they're looking for a brand representative). I know people who've been conned before and I've had my CC info stolen from several websites in the past... Long story, short, I'm super cautious now.

Today, I've taken a chance. I was approached on Instagram about becoming a Brand Rep. I looked through their website and social media. I also looked up their products. I did my research before responding to them. It honestly looks interesting and I'm curious as to how much it works!

Magnetic Slimming gave me a coupon code to get these Earrings for Free. All I had to do was pay Shipping Costs, which was less than $9. They also asked me for a before and after weight loss picture using their product. I'm happy to do so 😊

They did not ask me to write any posts about it. I just wanted to share this experience. I'll post again when I receive the product, use the product, and anything else interesting that occurs.

Magnetic Slimming

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

New YouTube video I Enjoyed!

Are you just getting back into working out? Do you have no core strength? Can you not do a sit-up, push-up, or a plank for very long? Do you not know where to even start?

Well, my answers were, Yes. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. And yes...

I asked some questions on Facebook, did some searching and fell upon this video!

It was calming, got my blood pumping, was low impact, and enjoyable. Admittedly, I had to stop short a few times because I’m out of shape. I’m getting there though 😃.

Everybody has to start somewhere.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

My Wake Up Routine

Good morning ☀️

I try to be productive in the morning, but I always end up reading instead.

The plan...
- Wake up at 6am, drink some water, put in my contacts, make my bed, and feed my cat.
- Do some F this Fat work to warm up.
- Walk 2 miles
- Make breakfast
- Take a shower
- Pack my lunch
- Go to work at 11am.

What my actual morning routine was...
- Wake up at 6am, stayed in bed til 6:30, got up, drank some water, put in contacts, make my bed and fed my cat.
- Read 3 short stories, surfed Facebook.
- Wrote this post.
- Running to make breakfast and pack my lunch.
- Eat.
- Get Dressed.
- Go to work.

On my days off, I’m fine with walking and exercising, but I’m just so lazy on work days. I need to get better. Maybe force myself to leave my bedroom right after I feed my cat... I try better next time.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

my goals

Starting Weight: 292.8 on May 3rd, 2019
Current Weight: 281.8 on May 31st, 2019
Goal Weight: 170

I would love to lose this weight by Dec. 2019, but I understand it may take longer.

My Early Morning Routine Update

HI! It's been about two months since my last/first early morning routine post and things have changed! WooHoo! I'll admit, ea...