

About Page Cover Photo

Launched in the Summer of 2019 as a community to discover your goals, carve a path to achieve them, and to serve as a learning platform to keep moving forward in life.

If you're looking for motivational weight loss, organization, and productivity tips, you'll feel right at home here.

As a Healthy Lifestyle and Military Life Preparedness Blog we will focus primarily on health, diet, fitness, weight loss, self/life organization techniques, as well as Pre-BMT Materials. Pre-BMT Materials includes meeting with the recruiter, studying for the ASVAB and AFOQT, PT requirements, MEPS, DEP, and a few things so you're a few steps ahead at boot camp.

Honestly, I'm still learning all these things too. It's the reason I started this blog!

I've struggled with my weight and my decision to joining the military for years (over 15yrs, in fact!). It wasn't until a relative made a very biased comment about people who join the military that it got me thinking again. I looked at the requirements, I looked in the mirror, and I decided to go for that little dream that has been nagging me for years.

On May 1st, 2019, I decided I wanted to lose 120lbs and join the U.S. Air Force. I created an Instagram account named "A_RunningThunderbird" to help me stay accountable for my weight loss journey and to document my path from Civilian to Serviceman.

As I learned more, I wanted to share it, and help others on a similar path, on a larger platform... Thus, the blog was created!

A Picture of me

Hello! My name is Natalia Portal and I'm a non-traditional military brat. 

While numerous family members have served, and talk of military and government work was a constant in my household growing up, both my parents got out of the military just before I was born. My mother served 8 yrs in the U.S. Army and my father served 8 yrs in the U.S. Navy. My father was a first generation sailor, while my mother came from a long line of soldiers and sailors. After leaving the army, my mom worked 30yrs for the U.S. Post Office.

My mom in her army casual with some friends

I love to write, explore, and share new things! #BloggingisPerfectforMe

As of today, August 9th, 2019, I have lost 40lbs! Most of it was diet related weight loss by eating simple tasty meals like Seasoned Avocado Toast with Eggs and Birds Eye Frozen Broccoli Beef with Cauliflower Rice!

I can't wait to share more with you!

Stay Updated with all my new content by following me on Instagram! ----> @DreamHustleServe

My Early Morning Routine Update

HI! It's been about two months since my last/first early morning routine post and things have changed! WooHoo! I'll admit, ea...